A Medical Emergency
by Doctor Jackman

I was just finishing up with my last patient of the night when Nurse Carlie knocked on the door.
“Dr. Beckman,” she called, pulling back the curtain and sticking her head in. My patient was still in the middle of dressing and fell over, blushing furiously when he spotted her eyes roving in his direction.
“Sorry,” she said. “But we have another walk in.”
I sighed. I’d already been picturing getting home just in time to watch Sports Center with a tall glass of beer in one hand and a bowl of chips in the other.
“Page Dr. Michaels,” I told her. “It’s ten. I’m out.”
“Sorry, Doctor, but this one’s…” she paused, fighting a fit of giggles before resuming her composure, “…a real emergency.” She couldn’t stop the corners of her lips from turning up. “Believe me, you won’t want to miss this.”
“What type of emergency is it?” I asked, exiting the curtained off cubicle where I’d been dealing with an ingrown hair in a rather unfortunate place, and following her down the hall to another cubicle with the curtain pulled tightly around it. Before we got there, I heard a man scream. It was high-pitched and intensely loud, like a woman who’d just seen a mouse. I paused mid-stride and looked at Carlie, who raised her eyebrows at me. She covered her mouth and fought back the laugh playing on her lips once again. I didn’t understand what could be so funny about a man who was obviously in pain.
I pulled back the curtain and finally got the joke. An attractive man in his mid-twenties stood naked beside the bed. He had the biggest boner I’d ever seen.
“Dr. Beckman,” Nurse Carlie said, closing the curtain behind us. “Meet Vincent Moretti. He came in tonight with a priapism.”
Vincent reached out one of his long, darkly tanned fingers and touched the shaft of his penis as if he were afraid it might bite. I sighed and turned to Carlie.
“Can you go and get the portable Doppler Ultrasound, please?” I asked her. She smiled and left us alone. The curtain to the room was thin and you could easily hear people just outside it. There were patients on either side of us and across from us, each in their own little curtained cubicle. Doctors and nurses walked up and down the long corridor. You could see the shadow of their image on the curtain as they passed. It wasn’t exactly private. No emergency room was.
“Good evening, Mr. Moretti. Can you tell me how long you’ve had your erection?”
He blinked back tears and stared shamefacedly down at his cock, which was at least a foot long and almost as wide.
“T-two hours,” he said.
I winced. A two-hour erection had to hurt.
“And do you have any idea what may have caused this?”
He shook his head quickly from side to side. A little too quickly.
“Were you injured in any way earlier today?”
“Have you taken anything?”
“Like… like what?” he asked, blushing. That’s when I knew for sure. I’d only seen a priapism like this a handful of times, but it was the type of thing you didn’t forget.
“Did you take unprescribed Viagra, Mr. Moretti?” I asked, coming closer to him so I could examine his cock. It looked extraordinarily pink and glistened as if it had been smeared with Vaseline. “How long has your cock been this color?” I asked him.
He stared down at himself, gently cradling his hairy balls, afraid to touch himself too much but also afraid not to.
“I’ve never seen a priapism this richly colored before,” I told him. “You say you’ve only had this problem for two hours?”
“What’s a priapism?”
“It’s an abnormal erection that doesn’t go away after several hours, even though stimulation has stopped. I assume you’ve tried jerking yourself off?”
“Yeah! I’ve been trying for hours!”
“Hours?” I asked, his response catching my attention. I stood up, staring him squarely in the eye. “Mr. Moretti, I can only help you if you’re honest with me. How long have you really had this erection?”
He stared at the floor again. “Four hours,” he mumbled. “Maybe five.”
My mouth dropped open. “How much Viagra did you take?”
“I don’t know… like, maybe, five or ten pills?”
I shook my head just as Nurse Carlie came back with the portable Doppler ultrasound.
“This is an imaging test that will show me just how the blood is flowing in your penis, alright? I have to run it over your shaft so that I’ll know how to treat you.”
“You can’t just give me a pill?” he asked hopefully. He was sweating profusely, his hair matted to his russet colored forehead and high cheekbones.
Nurse Carlie couldn’t help herself this time. She giggled so much I had to ask her to leave. The second she was on the other side of the curtain she erupted into laughter. This was followed by a series of footsteps as the dark shadows of other nurses crowded around her. A moment later, they were all laughing. Mr. Moretti looked as though he’d been born with a tomato colored face instead of the creamy, delicate brown that his Italian name indicated he was.
“Don’t worry. Just lay back on the bed and let me examine you.”
Before he sat his bare ass on the bed, I noticed it was a creamy golden color, polished to a high shine as if he’d been slathered in baby oil. It was almost as shiny as his cock, and I wondered what sort of tanning oil he used. The blood was flowing into him, gorging his already massive cock. It stuck straight towards the ceiling as he lay back on the bed, trembling.
His shaft was rock hard when I took it in my hand, running my fingers up and over it. “Does this hurt?” I asked, rolling the tip of his cock between my thumb and index finger.
“Aaah!” he shouted, and outside his curtain, the nurses cackled.
I sighed. His balls weren’t quite the rich pink that his massive cock was. They had a pink undertone but were still fairly bronze and hung like two bowling balls between his tight, golden thighs.
“Now, the ultrasound should tell me whether your priapism is ischemic or non-ischemic.”
“Is one better than the other?” he asked, his wide eyes staring at me, begging me for some form of hope.
I paused, considering. “Non-ischemic means less flow. It’s rarer than low-flow and usually less painful. Usually, it results from an injury between the scrotum and anus. An artery is ruptured, which prevents blood in the penis from moving normally.”
“That doesn’t sound so bad,” he said hopefully as I spread the ultrasound gel over my fingertips. His cock was hard as a rock and not as pliable as I would have liked it. If he’d had more elasticity, it wouldn’t have been so painful. I worked my fingers slowly over this thick, long shaft, gliding easily up and down his cock as the gel cooled the enormous amount of heat I felt in dark pink tip.
“If it’s ischemic,” I told him, “it might actually make things easier. If the erection is being caused because of high blood flow instead of low, then all we would need to do is cool you down with some ice. Usually, with Viagra overdose, that turns out to be the case.
His eyes bugged out of his head.
“D-did you just say you’re gonna put ice on my cock?” He screamed. Outside his curtained off cubicle, we heard a ripple of laughter.
“Only if we need to,” I said. I turned the ultrasound on and began to run the wand up and over the length of his shaft. The gel lessened the pink hue of his cock, making him look a bit more normal except for his size, which I suspected was enormous no matter how much Viagra he’d taken.
As I ran the wand over him, his eyes fluttered shut. He exhaled slowly and I noticed the mountain of muscles in his solid looking chest. They rose and fell with each breath, making my own cock start to tingle.
“Doc, you gotta help me out. I feel like my cock is gonna burst open any minute now. But that’s how I’ve felt for hours. I’m afraid… I’m afraid I’ll never be able to cum again!” He spat out this last part as though he were afraid for his life.
“I promise you,” I said, placing one of my pale, creamy hands against his golden chest, “that won’t happen.” I let my hand linger on the muscle just above his right nipple, which was small and round and a light pink. His chest was nearly hairless, except for a few stray curls that permeated his midsection—just enough to let me know he was a man. His whole body felt on fire. I stroked my thick, heavy fingers over his skin, feeling his muscles undulate as my other hand continued to rub the ultrasound wand up and down his massive shaft.
“You seem like you’re in less pain,” I told him.
He blushed, his eyes almost turning red along with the rest of him. “The, uh, gel stuff feels good.”
“Does it?” I asked. “Does my hand help when I stroke you?”
“Um, kind of,” he said. “I’m sorry.”
“Don’t be sorry. I only want to know the best way to help you.” I set aside the wand and looked at the monitor where the results beeped at me. “Just as I suspected, your priapism is ischemic, which means high blood flow. A little ice and you’ll be fine.”
I stepped back and he reached out quickly, grabbing my arm. His grip was as hard as the rest of him. His fingers dug into my skin. I could feel the muscles in his hand pumping against me even through my white lab coat. His eyes stared wildly at me. “I can’t have ice on my balls, Doc. What if I get frost bite?”
“That won’t happen.” I took his hand and gently pulled it off me, admiring the way his long, dark fingers looked against my white coat.
I pulled the curtain open to find Nurse Carlie gathered with about 4 other nurses. Their faces were red as they all attempted to hide the fact they were laughing. “Here’s your ice, Dr. Beckman.” She handed me two ice packs wrapped in paper towels.
I sighed. “Thank you, Carlie. Why don’t you and the other nurses go find something to do?”
“Of course, Doctor,” Carlie sputtered.
I closed the curtain again and heard soft giggles. At least they were trying to be quiet now. I set aside one of the ice packs for later and placed the first one against his right ball sac.
“Oh God!” he cried, sounding as though he were about to vomit. “That’s so cold!” He pushed the ice out of my hands so quickly I wasn’t prepared and it clattered to the floor.
“I need to stop the flow of blood. It’s engorging your cock right now. Do you see the light purple shading under your dark pink tip?” I took his cock into my hand and began to caress his soft yet firm tip, focusing my attention on his meatus, which was darker than any other part of him.
“Do you see how your cock responds when I stroke your shaft? It becomes fuller, feeding on the blood still racing to it. See how wide your shaft is? Watch this.” I wrapped my palm around the width of his cock. It barely fit. The tips of my fingertips almost couldn’t touch. I began to stroke him slowly, moving my hand at a turtle’s pace as I moved up the length of his shaft.
“Does that feel good?” I asked him.
“It does… and it doesn’t.”
“That’s because your cock wants to ejaculate but is being restricted by too much blood. See how it grows the faster I move my hand?” I stroked him faster and faster, feeling his heat grow as my hand moved so fast it was nearly invisible.
“Oh God, that hurts,” he said.
“Of course it does. We need to cool your cock off and find a way to help you ejaculate. The ice—”
“I’m not putting ice back on my cock!” he hollered, near tears at the suggestion.
I stood scratching my head. If he was going to fight me on this it would take forever and I’d never get home in time for Sports Center.
“Alright. I have an idea.” I leaned close to him so that my lips were just barely brushing his long, thick shaft. I could see the blood pulsing under his golden pink skin. Gently, I exhaled a cool, steady stream of air against him. He shivered on the bed.
“Is that better?” I asked.
“Oh God yes!”
I blew on him again, stronger this time. I saw the pleasure grip him just from my exhale. If I could wet him down it would help that much more. I grabbed a towel from the cart beside the bed and wiped off the ultrasound gel before taking him into my mouth. His cock was a fireball inside my mouth. I swallowed him as deeply as I could, his luscious tip slapping the back of my throat again and again as I bobbed my head up and over his arousal.
“Oh God!” he cried again. I heard more laughter from outside his curtain and ignored it. His cock was so thick I almost couldn’t fit it inside my mouth. Every time he grew I felt like I might choke. Finally, my lips felt like they might break if I didn’t release him. When I withdrew myself his eyes teared as though his best friend had just died.
“I was so close,” he said. “I could feel it. I… I’m never gonna get rid of this boner, am I?”
“Yes, you are,” I told him. Making the decision right then. I couldn’t stand to see a man cry. “What I said before holds true. We need to get you to ejaculate without stimulating your cock further. Stand up and bend over.”
Thick, greasy tears flowed over his cheeks as he slowly got to his feet. “I’ll do anything you say Doc.”
I lowered my pants and came up behind his tight, golden ass. Taking the ultrasound gel, I spread it in thick gobs over my fingertips. “Only touch yourself when you feel ready,” I told him.
“What are you gonna do?” he asked, his eyes wide as I took my cock in my hands and worked it into a thick erection. It wasn’t nearly as pink as his. It was a sweet cream color, like sugar and eggs. I spread his cheeks wide and placed my juicy tip against his succulent little opening. The gel lubricated him well. His tight little hole was wet and ready for me to feed my cock to it. I pressed my thumb inside him, feeling him hole.
Slowly, I placed the tip of my cock against his perfect little rosebud. I took my time inserting myself, waiting for his reaction. I knew I had to make sure to get deep enough to hit his prostate, so I worked my way inside him until I was halfway in, then I slammed my hips against him, breaking his virgin ass with my rock hard cock.
“Oh my God,” he cried.
“You like that?” I asked. “Does it feel good?”
“Oh God, yes,” he bellowed, licking his lips. “Don’t stop.”
I rocked my hips faster and harder, slipping in and out of him with ease now that the seal had been broken. He hole was a dark, wet cavern, unexplored until my cock entered it. The idea of fucking someone who’d never been fucked like this before turned me on, making my cock grow to the size of a football.
I looked down and saw that he was picking up his thick, hard shaft and slowly starting to stroke himself as I fucked him harder and harder. His golden hand moved up and down his steel shaft as though he were finally enjoying himself. His hand was fast, a master of his own body. I slapped his ass just to remind him who was fucking who here, and reached around with my hand to grab hold of his hairy balls, massaging them with my thumb as he continued to caress his massive, throbbing cock.
I felt him quiver as I slammed my cock into him. His hole opened wider each time, begging me to go further. I felt his prostate tickle the head of my dick each time I pounded into him. Finally, his head fell back and his eyes rolled wildly in their sockets.
“Oh God!” he shouted. “I’m cumming!”
White liquid exploded out of him like I had never seen before. Thick pearls of it dripped down his shaft. The dark pink, almost purple, tip of his cock suddenly lightened in color. But still the juice kept coming. It fell to the floor in a torrential river of sticky, gooey mess. It got onto the hospital mattress, covering the sheets. My own juice exploded too, filling his canal as I sunk into him one last time. I didn’t move until I was certain we’d both drained every ounce we had in us.
Vince fell over, exhausted.
“Oh God, I’m so relieved. Thanks, Doc.”
“That’s what I’m here for. Say, I never asked. Why did you take any Viagra at all? Your cock seems fine to me.”
“Oh,” he blushed. “My girlfriend thought they were Tic Tacs when she gave them to me.”
From the other side of the curtain, the nurses erupted in laughter. This time, Vince and I joined them.
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